
Increasingly, customers participate across the entire energy value chain. They influence the sources of their energy directly; they choose how they consume it and, increasingly, they generate, store and even sell their own power.

In this new energy era, a legion of disruptors, from non-traditional sectors, is beginning to disrupt the traditional marketplace. Their emergence is a consequence of:

  • ethically enlightened next-generation energy customers
  • increasingly ubiquitous technologies
  • favorable regulations
  • declining barriers to market entry

To succeed in this competitive ecosystem, energy providers will seek innovative and consumer-centric solutions to achieve sustainable growth. They will leverage their core competencies to deliver at scale.

Nancy Rademaker

Nancy Rademaker

International keynote speaker Nancy Rademaker explains the “X Factor of Customer Centricity”.

For the past few decades, there has been greater focus on customer experience [CXT]. The choice of products and services is governed increasingly by customer emotions. In an age where everything is available to everyone, organizations have come to recognize that customer centricity is key, while the experience provides the distinguishing X factor.

Nancy will take you on a journey through human change. She will explore the effects of change on organizations and the reasons why customer centricity and CX are essential to acquiring and retaining customers. This strategy has technology at its core. Artificial intelligence, algorithms and new interfaces will help businesses to define and satisfy the needs of their new customer.

Steven Van Belleghem

Steven Van Belleghem

An expert in customer-centricity in a digital world, Steven Van Belleghem acknowledges that 4G, social media and mobile services have given rise to a “new minimum” in customer experience. He says customers expect ease of use, friendly and empathic staff, omnichannel services and competitive prices. In the years to come, customer experience will reach a whole new level.

Technology will play a key role in delivering on customer expectations, but Steve wants to know how companies can “help consumers’ dreams come true and eliminate the obstacles in their day-to-day lives.” He believes companies can tackle world problems together with their customers, and even develop solutions to challenges such as climate change and mobility.

What you can expect?

This enlightened session offers you clear insight into the myriad of challenges and opportunities facing the energy industry today.

Our keynote speakers will prepare you for the next gen. customer. We will follow with an interactive session, focused specifically on your organization and the customer challenges it faces.

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The new age

New technologies have created new possibilities and channels for interacting with customers. Find out how relationships with customers will evolve as technologies become more enabling.


Keynote session

Nancy or Steven will inspire you with their latest insights on customer trends. Understand the key characteristics of the next gen. customer and how best to interact with them.


Interactive discussion

We put the spotlight on your future customer. Explore ways in which your customers will evolve, how they will influence your operations, as well as the types of new customer you can expect to serve in the coming decade.

Limited audience

Customer enlightened session

Join in this unique experience. Sign up for this exclusive enlightened session and get to know your next gen. customer better.

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