
Our traditional asset-heavy energy network is changing shape. As energy becomes more distributed and more intermittent, the network becomes more complex to manage. The need to capitalize rapidly on new opportunities, fulfil regulatory obligations, keep investors informed and meet stakeholder expectations, including workforce health and safety, demands an enhanced asset-management strategy.

Companies that succeed in managing and operating their assets most effectively, and compete with the influx of innovative and digitally enabled industry disruptors, take a user-centric approach to designing and implementing their systems. They focus on solutions that are sustainable and adaptable to changing technologies in order to manage the complexities of the new energy era.


- Keynote speakers will follow soon -

What you can expect?

Energy companies will succeed in responding to energy industry disruption, competition, regulation and risk by extracting greater value from existing and new infrastructure. This enlightened session is all about how you can make your assets work better for you.

The session offers you a refreshingly clear perspective on the tumult of challenges and opportunities facing the energy industry today. Our keynote speakers will introduce you to real-life examples of energy companies that are tackling asset management challenges effectively. An interactive session will focus specifically on your organization, the asset management challenges it encounters and how to tackle them.

Asset 1Created with Sketch.
The new age

The development of new technologies is already improving day-to-day asset maintenance and planning. Find out how companies can integrate reliability and integrity into their operating strategies and early asset design.


Keynote session

Our speakers focus on discrete and high-impact test cases that demonstrate the value of effective asset management. Discover how to connect data-centric asset performance with a continuous improvement mentality. Understand how to build an organization that operates its assets most efficiently in the future.


Interactive discussion

We invite you to a deep-dive session to future-proof your asset management operations. Learn what systems and solutions you need to underpin your asset life cycle, from acquisition to disposal.

Limited audience

Asset enlightened session

Join in this unique experience. Sign up for this exclusive enlightened session and learn to manage and operate your energy assets more effectively.

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